I remember really clearly sitting in my Paddington home, working on my Apple Computer, which always failed and the discs that you used to shove in the front window getting jammed. writing an application to be a speaker at the World Conference on corporate consciousness in Mexico.
I sent the letter I would suggest that it was even in a time by post and received a reply, which was to say, well, thanks for writing to us. You know the program that you have in front of you about that conference reveals that all speakers have booked, and I’m not sure why you’d be writing to us asking to speak at this conference when you can see a sheet from which you’re writing that the conference is already booked, but that was my naivety.
About speaking at conferences at the time. But they did put a little byline at the end and that is that you are welcome to come free of charge to Mexico. As an emergency speaker you just don’t have to pay the conference fee but you have to pay your own accommodation and flights. And bingo, I was there. So I turn up in a in a really strange place. Not overly familiar with Mexico. I turn up flying to the airport, get picked up by the limo, go to the four seasons. And there I am in, like America, slash Mexico. There were, I can’t remember exactly, I think there were two and a half 000 delegates at this conference. Some of the speakers were international to national celebrities, including Deepak Chopra, and a few politicians and some of the entertainment were people who were again, quite famous and so I was a little bit at this time, a duck out of out of the water.
Anyway, I’m sitting at breakfast on in the morning of the second day. I had a sort of presentation prepared because I was the emergency speaker but never rehearsed. It really didn’t think I was ever going to present it and bingo. I’m sitting next to Deepak Chopra we’re having a laugh. We’re talking about yoga because I owned yoga schools. We had a few people we knew in common and of course, I’d been down to his California Center a couple of times and he’d I think at this time even read my book. And we’re sitting there having a laugh about things and enjoying a chat, when an announcement comes over, will Chris Walker, please come to reception.
I think oh gosh, did I party too hard last night?
Blah blah blah. Anyway, turns out the person who was on First up in the morning to speak had an emergency had to fly away and I was on to speak and completely without any prep.
I was on the stage within half an hour.
Now the good thing about that is it didn’t give me six months to get nervous about it, which I normally would. And the great thing about it was that people understood that I was doing a really good job to fill an empty void in a very expensive conference but it worked.
I did a great gig. And because I didn’t have the pressure of having to be perfect, I spoke from my heart and just let it all be.
From that speech, we had a what they call breakout sessions and my room was packed to the rafters. At the end of this I got a lot of offers to do more speaking events around the world. But the most impressive one that I loved was from a group of four or five women who were from Halifax in Canada and they invited me to come up and talk.
I did, some months later I flew to Halifax and did a presentation and at that presentation a few things interesting happened.
I was talking about letting go the concept of release which originally in my work of the universal laws, the concept of letting go would would have stood number one, because I and I still do believe it is the first and most important skill of life learning to let go knowing how to release something with love and gratitude for it and not have the letting go process screw up the rest of the day or the week or the year ahead.
How to let go and I spoke a lot about it. But one of the things examples I used about letting go was my own mother who passed away and I had learned to let go and it was all good and a Native American woman in this room of I think 150 people protested quite profusely and verbally that you know that I had crossed the line that she was grieving the death of her mother and how dare I How dare I How dare I suggest that the grief is an illusion.
So I said, Well, if you’re brave enough to speak, you’re brave enough to let me try to help which she was and so with her standing there, I asked two people either side of her to become scribes. And I said to this woman, please tell me what’s lost tell me everything that you’ve lost since your mother passed away. And it turned out that she lost a friend. she’d lost companionship she’d lost. Reassurance she’d lost confidence she’d lost. Someone talked to her about her problems she’d lost someone who hugged her, she lost all the tactile elements of having a mum she wanted nearby but also the emotional and and what would be called for most people spiritual which I call intellectual connection she had with her mum.
So we’d written all these things down and I simply said in the very second the instance she took her last breath who replaced and I went down all the list who replaced the affection. And she said oh nobody I go come on who? And she goes well, okay, my friends have become morph more affectionate. Okay, so that’s been replaced. who replaced the intellectual who would the priest who replaced the carrying my brother who replaced this who replaced that? And I went down the whole thing and I didn’t try and solve the whole challenge all at once. And we were time constrained because it was in the evening and everyone needed to go home. But I just let her and I just let her go through and we went through every single one of the things she thought she was missing one by one by one.
At some point, we checked off the whole list. And she was standing there looking at me and I said:
Is there anything missing? And she said no. And I said, who’s standing behind you right now? And it wasn’t just her in the room experiencing the embodiment of her love for her mother. It wasn’t just her experiencing the embodiment of the love for her mother. Because her mind her ego had released the grief and the concept that something was missing, had released her mind and her feelings had immersed into her body and now her body was talking and feeling and connecting.
Everybody. Everybody in that room felt the presence of her mother. Now you might say to me, Chris, this is all higgledy. piggledy mumbo jumbo mumbo jumbo and I agree with you. It is absolutely Higgledy Piggledy mumbo jumbo jumbo but when you’re in the room, and you feel it it’s not your head.
Our head might argue it’s mumbo jumbo that feels he should body and you feel it in your core. And you feel it in your presence like you are right now. And you know you’re communicating. And I said to her what is what do you want to say to your mother? And she said, I love your mom. And I said what is your mother gonna say to you? And she spoke the words of a deceased person. And everybody in the room felt the words it was a really profound experience. Brave on her part courageous on mine, because I could have really come on stuck in a new world doing a new process.
So my embodiment my belief in the work needed to be beyond my own head because my head couldn’t carry a story this far. From that room, came five years work for my business. Now I did not intend that to happen. But I am not talking about full time work.
I went back to Australia and came back to Canada, I went home and came back and in the process of that room, going through that initiation of fire with the First Nation person. I was introduced to government officials of Canada some people who are working on youth development, the Public Works the RCMP police communities throughout Canada and I worked diligently just on this one piece of work to help people let go their people help people understand things the way they are.
It’s not easy, because when I do this work, I often get protesters. People hear about something that I’m doing and they protest it because it defies their religious teachings or as it was in the case of a community.
Or like in a in a reservation in Canada. It defies the traditional expect expectation never defies traditional beliefs because that’s where it comes from. What it defies is their expectation of how people are going to react to their traditional stuff. As I said to one group of people in a community during a fairly heated Town Hall presentation I did. I said you’ve got tomahawks and headdress and drums stuck on the wall. And yet you’ve forgotten, you’ve forgotten the roots of your own work.
It’s really important, I think, to understand that this these initiations of fire that we go through these visits to Mexico, these presentations in Halifax and these work in community where people dispute you and disagree with you and don’t understand you. It’s going to test whether you’re up in your head thinking or down in your being owning it.
Because people are going to be able to argue with your head. People can talk you out of an into anything if you’re in your head, but they cannot move you from a vision from knowing a belief a an awareness that’s in your body.
Post Traumatic Stress is an awareness in a body that’s negative. That reminds a person of something they don’t want to repeat post traumatic enjoyment is knowing something in your body that you do want to repeat. A gift you want to give a knowing awareness. So as a traveled for the next 5-10 years actually through the entirety of Canada, presenting workshops and running retreats and doing all sorts of things, meeting some justice, punishing people through this process. It all came through gateways of trial by fire.
And while I was in them, I can honestly say I wished I wasn’t there, wished there was none of this going to Mexico and speaking that was not fun, not at the time. Standing there in front of an audience in Halifax being pushed down. That was not fun. I wished there was no standing up in front of Price Waterhouse where people refuse to listen any more because I talked about balance. There was none of this that was fun at the time.
But it wasn’t fun that I was there for I was there because in my body and in my bones I know the universal laws and I want to share them.
And by going through rejection and going through hard times and going through difficulties and going through places where I was tested and staying on track staying committed to the process, I came out the other side enabled or allowed. I call it “allowed” to talk more about what I had talked about before, able to do more of what I did before and defend it.
I think that’s the moral of this story is that sometimes you’ll find yourself dealing with what looks like an insurmountable difficulty.
And the way to deal with it is through it – Not around it.
This is Chris, you have a beautiful day.
Bye for now.
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