Chris Walker begins by describing a cold, early morning at Ben Buckler, with a clear sky and a bustling beach. He reflects on his morning routine of relaxing with coffee and Instagram, seeking novel insights. Chris then discusses an interesting perspective on cholesterol and heart attacks, emphasizing hereditary factors and the role of insulin, rather than cholesterol, in heart health. He stresses the importance of maintaining consciousness by avoiding anger, greed, and hate, instead fostering kindness, generosity, compassion, and gratitude. Lastly, he highlights the significance of vision, inspiration, and purpose in leading a fulfilling life and the need for daily affirmations and mindfulness to achieve a higher state of consciousness.


A Chilly Morning on Ben Buckler

Good morning, good afternoon, wherever you are. Today, we find ourselves back up on Ben Buckler, feeling the freezing cold. Despite the chill, it’s a beautiful, pristine day. The sun is out with not a cloud in the sky, and the waves are huge. Hundreds of people are already on the beach early this Saturday morning, enjoying the vista of the waves crashing on the rocks, which hopefully adds a soothing background music to this blog.

The Morning Routine

I often start my mornings with a routine that includes a cup of coffee, a glass of protein, and a quick scroll through Instagram. I spend about 20 minutes just relaxing, letting my body talk to me, and allowing my feelings to surface. During this time, I also set the tone for my day, asking the universe for support in my work and seeking inspiration from posts that offer fresh perspectives.

Challenging Conventional Wisdom on Heart Health

Today, I came across a fascinating perspective on heart health. Contrary to popular belief, cholesterol is not the primary cause of heart attacks. According to an expert, 90% of heart attacks are due to hereditary DNA depletion, influenced by lack of exercise, muscle atrophy around the heart, and diet—particularly insulin poisoning from sugars, alcohols, and carbs. This is similar to assuming fire engines cause fires just because they are always present at fire scenes. Hence, while cholesterol is often present during heart attacks, it is not the cause.

Understanding Insulin and Its Impact

The discussion extended to insulin levels, emphasizing the dangers of levels above six. Inspired by this, I used an insulin meter for four weeks and found my levels well within a healthy range, even with occasional indulgences. However, this varies with individual DNA and propensity to react to insulin. It’s suggested that every 100 days spent with high insulin levels can reduce lifespan by four days, highlighting the importance of monitoring and managing insulin levels.

The Path to Conscious Living

This brings us to the pathway I’ve created—the stepping stones to live more consciously. Often, discussions on consciousness revolve around global awareness, but the focus here is on personal behaviour and its impact on achieving life goals. A key aspect is not identifying oneself solely with work, which can lead to regrets later in life. The essence of consciousness is to abandon actions driven by anger, greed, and hate, as these emotions are deeply hidden and can influence our motives negatively.

The Importance of Mindfulness and Daily Practice

Conscious living requires discipline to avoid slipping into negative emotions. When we act out of anger, greed, or hate, we spread that negativity to others and ourselves. It’s crucial to replace these negative emotions with kindness, generosity, compassion, and gratitude. This practice helps us maintain a healthy mental space and aligns our thoughts with our vision, inspiration, and purpose.

Vision, Inspiration, and Purpose

A critical element of consciousness is maintaining a clear vision, inspiration, and purpose. Vision represents the future, an empty space waiting to be filled. Inspiration is when we fully appreciate and love what we have. Purpose drives our actions, ensuring we have a goal greater than ourselves. Daily affirmations and self-talk are vital in reinforcing these elements and preventing negative emotions from taking over.

Creating a Positive Mental Space

To foster a positive mental space, it’s important to practice kindness, generosity, compassion, and gratitude regularly. This not only benefits our well-being but also helps in manifesting the life we desire. It’s about creating a balance where we appreciate what we have while striving for what we want.

Embracing a Greater Purpose

Believing in a purpose greater than oneself is a choice. Whether you believe in a higher power or not, recognizing that we are part of something bigger can provide a sense of direction and meaning. This awareness helps in overcoming personal challenges and connecting with the energy around us.

Daily Affirmations and Self-Talk

Daily work involving affirmations, vision, inspiration, and purpose is essential in conscious living. Neglecting this practice can lead to negative emotions taking over, resulting in a loss of direction and increased stress. The first step in the consciousness process is to eliminate anger, greed, and hate from our actions and replace them with positive attributes.

Becoming Mindful

The second step in this journey is mindfulness—being aware of our feelings, body, mind, and surroundings. This involves paying attention to how we sit, stand, eat, talk, and even the expressions we wear. Mindfulness is a complex but essential aspect of conscious living.

Mindfulness in Everyday Actions

Mindfulness extends to every detail of our lives—the way we sit, stand, eat, talk, the tone of our voice, the expression on our face, and even the things we own. For instance, an incident where I tripped over the dishwasher and injured myself led me to reflect on the larger meaning behind it. While it’s easy to blame external factors, understanding that these events are part of a bigger picture helps us see the interconnectedness of our actions and experiences.

Mindfulness as an Acid Test

Mindfulness serves as an acid test for our state of consciousness. If we are operating from a place of anger, greed, or hate, it is impossible to be truly mindful. Mindfulness requires us to be fully present and aware in all our actions, whether it’s putting dishes in the dish rack, preparing our bike, or interacting with loved ones.

The Next Level: Effort

The next level in the consciousness process is effort—doing the right thing with the right intention. This involves preventing wrong actions and feeling confident about our choices. While concepts of right and wrong can be subjective, the focus is on maintaining the right intent in our actions.

Effort and Confidence

Effort in conscious living translates to confidence in our actions. This confidence comes from knowing we are acting with the right intentions, even though every action has both positive and negative aspects. Regular practices like emotional showers and discards help reinforce this confidence and keep us aligned with our conscious path.

Conclusion: Entering the Stream

The journey to consciousness begins with entering the stream—removing anger, greed, and hate, and replacing them with kindness, generosity, compassion, and gratitude. It involves maintaining a clear vision, inspiration, and purpose, and practicing mindfulness in every aspect of our lives. Effort and the right intention guide us further, ensuring we live a good, happy, and fulfilling life.

Thanks for tuning in to ‘The Anti-Guru Guru Show.’ If you enjoyed this post, share it with a friend who needs a reality check. Until next time, keep it real, keep it messy, and keep practicing. See you soon!

Take care.